I have been using this app for years & I mostly like it except for the fact that once you enter a payee, its in there forever! Ive tried to find any way to contact the developers - but other than a very basic site with a handful of FAQs, and a fb page that hasnt been touched in over a year (almost looks fake!), theres NO WAY TO GET ANY SUPPORT!
All I want is a way to delete previous payees from the history. For example, say youre visiting a random shop on vacation called McDowels and you enter your souvenir purchase into the app - youll never be there again, let alone purchase anything from them... But now every time you go to enter your lunch purchase from McDonalds, the McDowels option shows up. It may sound minor, but imagine if you kept a list of every single place youd ever purchased anything from or written a check to - eventually it makes it difficult to scroll through ALL those options to get to the one you want! It defeats the purpose of keeping a history of your previous entries for your convenience/ease of use if you cant get rid of any entries!
This app hasnt been updated in nearly a year & with no way to even ask someone about any potential updates to come, it might be time to look elsewhere!
SarahBW76 about Accounts - Checkbook, v4.4